Sunday, January 06, 2008

Landing page optimization Vs Search Engine Optimization

Landing page optimization is very essential part of web marketing. Landing page optimization that helps the business/website/portal to convert web traffic into prospective customers/leads..

In General terms, Search engine optimization (SEO) act as a marketing guy to a website that drives traffic to the website. Landing page optimization act as a sales guy to a website, that
converts visitor into customers.

If a business has good marketing guy, but don't have good sales guy, they will lose quality customer & money.

Ok, let me put this way... If a portal has good level of SEO, but don't have good landing page, that results in traffic dissolution,that leads to less prospective customers or no customers.
What is Landing page Optimization?
Landing page optimization is nothing but testing the landing page to deliver better results
Why we need landing page optimization?
  • Because, what we think is not always right. We may think that this design/template will yield better results, but it won't.
  • Every visitors to the website are not machine.
  • Every Visitor (Human beings) are unique

In landing page optimization, decision makers are visitors not the organization

Let we post the question to the visitor, then leave the rest to the visitor



JamesHurst said...

Would you rather optimize for traffic (SEO) or optimize for gross profit dollars (LPO)?

An increase in traffic doesn't matter if they do not convert towards your business objective.

ramki said...

Hi James,

I totally agree with you, James. TG & relevancy place a vital role to attain the business objective. Thanks..
